Area 3, Gulf Coast District Association
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2020 Gulf Coast District Convention Talent
Talent candidates will have a deadline to upload a video of their talent of April 29 at 3 PM. Students will click this link to upload their video and the teacher officers will go in, make sure it worked and has sound and approve it. If it did not work, we have a couple of days to have them try again. Each category will have a unique link and any video format will work. They set up the website so it converts everything on its own. 
Talent will be able to upload 1 - 8 minute video, so they can do 1-2 songs or whatever their talent is. Just make sure it is included in 1 video.

Talent will take place Monday, May 4! Links have been provided to Ag Science Teachers to send to their voting delegates. They will click the link and log in with their Texas FFA ID number (you can access this in your roster system). It will take them to talent, district officer elections, and area officer elections. Our top talent candidate will advance to area competition. Voting will open at 8 AM and close at 3 PM, so all delegates must complete this process between those times!


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